Get Great Winter Hair with Skatsz Hat!(Product Review)
So I just stumbled on Zig Beswick, a UK blogger’s review of our Skatsz Dami beanie Yeeeep! Check it out below:
My Small Secret to Great Winter Hair

Winter rolled through again and we’re in that cold/rainy spell before we can embrace spring. Our skin is considerably dryer and so we slather on the emollients and moisturizers as a barrier against the lashing winds and icy rain but what about our hair? We don’t seem to give it the same justice and if you have even the slightest curl to your hair you know how cold and dry do not mix with it. Of course you may up the deep conditioning, use a leave in and ensure the ends have a lil love but when you step out that door to mother nature she has no mercy for windswept coiffures. Well, I’ve found the solution and who knew it could be so simple!

A hat! I’ve been really into my hats as of late, I didn’t think I suited them or could fit them over my fro but have found a few (beret’s and baker boys) that suit my style even when my hair is not in twists underneath. “Oh”, I hear you sigh, “hide my tresses under a hat, yay, warm head but when I step in the room it’s hat hair for the day.” No not quite. Because there’s one beanie in my collection that’s something special and works a treat for all hair types. Have you ever noticed, especially with natural hair, how some hats particularly seamed beanies can snag and pull at the hair? They’re also made of thick woolen mix materials that keep you warm yes, but suck every ounce of life out of it. That’s where SKATSZ come in. A. SATIN. LINED. BEANIE. As soon as I got my hands on it I showed it around the natural haired girls of my acting class who all cooed in awe and swore they needed one too. Knitted to perfection at the top with a wicked satin pattern layered underneath meaning no snags, all the moisture retention and all the warmth.

I’ve worn it ever since and love that it hasn’t compromised my style with the array to choose from nor have I had to actually change anything in my general hair care routine. I can wear my hair out in the winter knowing I can move between locations with my hair not being battered around by the elements. The satin lining means the fibres of my hair smooth and glide against it reducing friction which leads to breakage, frizz and moisture loss. It also means that the smooth underlay keeps my hair style intact! I wear satin scarves to bed and sleep on satin pillowcases for these reasons and so it makes sense that anything touching my hair thereafter should be the same luxury. It’s stylish and not heavy or uncomfortable like trying to wear one of my bonnets under a hat would be. It’s thick enough to be a proper outdoor hat and saviour for winter hair.

A Skatsz hat is perfect for wigs and weaves too, reducing friction and shedding whilst still keeping you warm. I don’t think my other hats can compare now, it makes such a thoughtful gift for the holiday season & for the (natural) fellas, they’re affordable and will last a lifetime. No matter your hair type, if you suffer from super dry hair come winter, crown breakage or are looking for a healthy alternative for your winter styling, check out these hats they’re the necessity of my hair life I never knew I needed.
How’s that for a winter hair secret?